Date: 4th April 2013
it was my daily routine...
wake up, and TO THE INTERNET!!!!
i was on my daily updates...
Facebook, Youtube and today
i was on Twitter as well...
it was there that i saw a tweet from Amelia Tay
the tweet was something on this site called
and by now, poetry was something i kinda enjoy
there, i found my outlet...
my creative outlet...
a side of me that not many knew existed...
Jared, the poet...
and there, i posted my first poem...
one that i wrote few weeks back...
now, i have an outlet for my poems with people who enjoy poetry...
it's, it's like bumping into an old friend....
hello poetry,
where have you been all this while?
for those of you who want to see my piece, please feel free to head on to
thank you (takes a bow)

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