Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year Eve!!!
time passed by fast...
I may sulk a lot this year due to the many changes and a few other matters...
but I do admit I had a little bit of fun...
with everyone panicking for SPM while I was there sitting about...
I don't get it...
you panic, you still have to go through it...
you go calmly, you still have to go through it...
might as well go in calmly...
there are a few other stuff that happened this year...
a lot has been learned
and a lot more I hoped to forget...
but all in al...
2008 was erm...
so see ya next year...
you know you love me...
Monday, December 29, 2008
"Great" Day
where the whole day seems...
dunno how to describe...
internet was slow...
things were messy...
and WORST of all...
Dark Knight (as I name my dad's Proton Wira) got STOLEN!
darn that thief!!!
you see, my parents were in Kepong (don't ask which part cos I dunno)
they were attending the neighbor's son's wedding dinner...
then about erm...
10 or 11 something, my sis suddenly knocked on my door and ask me to look after the house cos she needs to go out.
"Why?" I asked...
"Wira pei yan tau jor (Wira got stolen already)... Need to go fetch mum and dad." she briefly answered and went off.
so then she went off...
i was waiting for them to arrive home...
they got home bout erm...
1 something after lodging a police report...
i was tired as well and went to bed...
weird dream...
i dream that exact scene when they arrive home...
suddenly, they got a phone call from the police saying that they caught the theif.
"Super efficient malaysian police these days." I wondered in my sleep.
when I woke up, I figured about the dream again...
"I knew it's too good to be true... Malaysian police ah... Only eat doughnuts la... Like those lazy police you see on TV..." hahaha...
(well, maybe not all but that might be the reality of it...)
good thing there aren't any super valuable item in Dark Knight...
so now, only Bumblebee and erm... Red Lion remains...
so sad...
Friday, December 26, 2008
i got D. Archuleta's album ady... hehe
the 3 ghost did not and never did visit me... (which means i'm pretty okay right?)
and, Hanukkah is over... (i just dunno why but I keep goin Happy Hanukkah in my brain these few days)
it doesn't matter cos I don't have any Jewish friends...
so, back to the subject...
well, I did not actually bought it...
I downloaded it...
the 12 songs as an album and I also downloaded the 5 Bonus tracks separately...
the songs were awesome...
so far, i'm loving "Somebody Out There" and "Crush" seems nice... haha... so, anyone wants them? that can be arranged... haha...

Thursday, December 25, 2008
111th Post
ok everyone (of my so-called personalities) Say Hi...
*Jared: wat so funny*
*Jad Y: dunno? simply laughing*
*Kacey: Ellooo!!!*
*Taiki: Minna, Daijoubu Desu ka? (Everyone, are you okay?)*
*Cheesecake Prince: I want more CHEESECAKE!!!*
so there it is, my 111th post... hehe... see ya... saja-saja play... LOLZ!!!!
Chise Nakamura also wanna say...
Merry Christmas...

So does the boys of DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Dream Girl Requirements (?)
i guess I too have some requirements for my dream girl...
> she'll never ask me to be who I'm not just to meet her requirements... its a take it or leave it thing...
>she'll not get jealous when I speak to girls cos I've got A LOT, and I mean A LOT of girl friends (see, i did not have it close, so it means that i have many friends who are girls) and I'll never get jealous if she talks to guys (as long as they're not hugging and kissing all over)
> she should not be too manja... can't stand it...
> must be polite and not scream all over...
> somebody who thinks before saying something in public...
> loves my mum as well...
> oh yeah... must never smoke... (ewww)
> not a flirt or anything in that category...
---> thats about it for now...
woah! the pressure if somebody wants to be with me...
it's actually very basic...
Friday, December 19, 2008
True Friends Miss Each Other
and guess what, I'm missing my buds...
oddly, not here...
but the ones back in Selayang...
oh the good old days...
and weird to say this as well, some of them actually misses me too...
I sooo wanna meet up with them one day...
but the earliest meet up plan we had is when we take our SPM results...
*sob sob*
they were my bestest buds...
we're almost a family...
we have a mum, aunties and siblings...
I'm one of the siblings...
middle child...
we were also Spongbob characters...
Oh our imagination...
sometimes we could laugh like there's no tomorrow...
*misses them more*
we were also rangers...
i started that...
as always, I'm the Blue Ranger
*miss y'all esp Red and Yellow ranger*
and our favorite show is HSM...
we could sing HSM songs all day and not feel bored...
there's once we actually chatted using the song titles...
don't ask how...
i forgot already...
I guess when a friendship is true, no secret intentions,
we'll tend to miss each other...
XOXO to you all...
3 Helium Forever
We learned, we played, we conquered and made a mess...
but in the end...
they still love us...

BFF's there include:
(in the alter ego's names)
Dean (Patrick, Red Ranger, Along)
Phoebe (Sandy, Yellow Ranger, Adik)
Sam (Squidward, Pink Ranger, Mama)
Jess (Pink Ranger, Auntie)
Sha (Turquoise Ranger, Auntie)
and last but not least...
Kacey (Spongebob, Blue Ranger, Angah)!
miss y'all much
Marcos got kicked out for breaking Phoebe's heart...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
1st day of training
We didn't really go practical today.
Just brief us on how talk to people and stuff.
Next training day will be this Saturday.
Guess I can't make it for leaflet distributing and stuff.
And then, we'll also do scenarios and stuff next time.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
It's Finally Over
I finished Final Fantasy XII...
Bought the game 2 years back but never got to finish it...
now, I've finally finished it...
(also thanks to walkthroughs...hehe)
The game was kinda fun but the ending is so simple...
Thought the ending video might be better...
but it was nice all together...
Final Fantasy XII

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Acer Aspire 4530 WinXP WLAN Driver
As many of you noticed, the WLAN driver in the CD is indeed may not be the real driver for your Acer Aspire 4530.
I had the same problem too.
However, I've got the driver for it from the dealer and as you are now reading this post, you know that indeed the driver works.
So, search no further if you're looking for the
AR5B91 Atheros WinXP driver because you have found it...
the link is as below
AR5b91 Atheros WinXP Driver
Thanks again for dropping by.
And please do me a favor by not spamming my chatbox which is meant for my friends.
Instead, please drop your comments and thank you's in the comment box.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
1 More Makes 3
Still getting adjusted to touch pads and the keyboard...
Its a bit different from normal keyboards I guess...
Softer and the keys are closer to each other...
Like when i wanna press Shift, I will accidentally press Caps...
still getting used to it...
the title?
well, Dad and Daph(sis) already have 1 each, so added mine, we now have 3 Lappies...
Hehehehe XD
the model of my Lappy is Acer Aspire 4530

cool lah...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Jeremy has been complaining that I didn't update my blog...hehe
so, what have I been up to lately...
last week, I went to Kuantan with my family...
we stayed at this hotel called Swiss Garden Hotel.
It was erm... awesome...
4 outa 5...
thats what I felt but dad felt its less than that...
oh well, everyone has their opinions.
in Kuantan, I bought a new Nike shoe...
Nike The Overplay

met the Tay's there also...
Auntie Irene, Uncle Peng Lum, Auntie Li Ying, Amanda, Aaron, and Amelia...
Adeline can't make it due to work (i think)...
oh yeah...
I got to ride on the All Terrain Vehicle, SUPER AWESOME experience...
kinda felt like Dax Lo (Blue Operation Overdrive Ranger), cos his civilian transport is the ATV... hehe... :D
the "Megamall" there is pretty small...
to compare it to a mall, it'll be... erm...
like Selayang Capitol...LOLZ
oh, we ate awesome stuff too in restaurants...
the best ones...
pure awesomeness...
this week,
we went to Penang...
its was also 4 outa 5 for me...
the hotel we stayed in was Bayview Beach Resort...
compared to the complimentaries in Swiss Garden, Bayview lost...
they gave very little stuff...
in Penang, I visited my relatives on my mum's side.
we had dinner together in (what mall is it again?)
there, I also bought another Nike shoe,
The Overplay, due to its actual nature of being an old stock, got spoiled...
so, my new shoe is
Nike Air Team T.R.U.S.T XDR

i also got to visit the Toy Museum...
it was written the largest toy museum in (erm... where already? World or just Malaysia?) that they got into the Malaysia's Book Of Records...
it was erm... ok...
kinda cool looking at old toys that you can never get to see in shelves of Toys R Us again...
but sad to say, they only have 1 life size of a Power Ranger...
that also, a red ranger, a red Lost Galaxy Ranger...
but thay have two boxes of PR toys...
and erm...
i kinda got water into my right ear while swimming...
when i tried to clean it, it got worse i think and my inner ear as mum said, is swollen or something...
so i can't really hear you with my right ear...
so if I pull a Matt Parkman on you, I'm not reading your mind... just can't really hear you...
guess that's most of it...
yesterday, I went to PC Fair in KLCC...
(sorry to "ditch" you guys... GOMENAI!!! and erm... Happy Birthday Jinyin)
it was crowded...
what my dad and I bought were...
a Samsung Monitor for the office.
a Pioneer DVD player for the office so that a DVD player from the office can be taken home to replace the old damaged one.
and erm... something for me...
a Laptop... hehe...
an Acer Aspire...
but it can't work yet... (stupid Harddrive)
so dad have to send it to Low Yat today...
if things turned out well, this will be my last post from my current desktop...
and the comp will go to Jeremy's room...
(bye bye old friend)
guess that's it...
later, there's a special Youth Meeting in FGA KD...
i'm erm... worship leading...
(God Help me)
and my right ear still can't hear well...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
National Service results up...
dunno when is the exact date but last year was around June to September...
who knows...
maybe I will get into higher education by then and can apply for exemption and maybe... just maybe...
they will forget and i will not have to go for it...
*fingers crossed*
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tagged AGAIN by Carissa Morias
Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italicize the statements that you wish were true.
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.
I’m 170cm tall. (a little more than that... maybe 173 cm)
I don’t know what I want at the moment.
I’m not happy.
I hate my friends.
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
I’m bored of driving.
I have a white handbag
I love dancing.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit.
I have a tattoo of a star.
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs. ( don't we all do when we're sick??? )
90% of my friends smoke.
I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.
I’m studying Fashion.
I have a business running.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone. ( can't say hate but really annoyed by many )
I have 10 Guess handbags.
I buy CLEO every month.
My parents don’t know about my blog.
I have an iPod.
I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
My school mates know about my blog. (they know close to nothing about me )
I wanted to be a fashion designer. ( aren't I already? )
I love rock emo bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups
I’m a rebel
I’m starting to like wearing dresses
I don’t believe in love.
High school's filled with drama
My parents have faith in me.
I’ve bought shoes this month. ( my shoe is not really cool now...but CHRISTMAS is coming)
A blogger bitched about me before.
I hate sports.
I heart Italian food.
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish ( nail polish is NOT for guys... emo rock ppl... get it?! )
The mother bear gives me hugs.
People should start appreciating me.
High school was the worst time of my life. (for noe and this year... what jerks we have and a boring school )
I have red hair.
One Utama is my second home
I’m a guy.
I’m scared of my Biology exam ( who isn't... esp when you're expected to score by others... oh the pressure )
I hate vacations.
We’ll last
I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
I’ve robbed an old lady.
I’m starting to like applying make-up
I was a tomboy.
I love bitching about people behind their backs
I still have a best friend
I have a cat.
I hate surprise parties.
I hate planning parties.
I’m hot.
I’m a sinner.
I’ve got a DS light.
I have a Wii.
I can live without music.
Video games are a waste of time
I miss the father bear.
I love being in love
I know how to cook
I have 100% freedom.
Boys are assholes.
I hate Math.
I love horror movie.
I’m happy with what I have
I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I hate animals.
I can’t live without make-up.
I curse like a pirate.
I’m happy with my 11 year old car.
I hate people that are smart.
I love Apple Juice
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
I’ve got a new phone.
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love swimming.
I haven’t worked out since March.
I love my friends and family.
I TAG...
Daphne Yap
Grace Miriam
Jeremy Duke
Aaron Tay
Sunday, November 23, 2008
i didn't know it until i saw a discussion in the forum i'm in...
it's sooo sick...
it even hit the news...
i didn't get the original bacause it's taken down from youtube...
what kinda father is that...
i'll post a link instead of the video here cos of some reason
Toddler Encouraged Fighting By Father
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
now I know how my mum feels...
here I am...
the only day today that I'm not having any exams while my mum is away (not counting Friday's, Saturday's and Sunday's)
I'm cleaning up almost the whole day...
I'm exaggerating...
but it's the longest I've ever did chores willingly...
the thing that drove me to do it was to see Okasan's face smiling and lighted up when she returns...
>room - I cleaned my room and threw away all my unwanted and unneeded notes (thats the fun part of being in the last year of school), got like a lot of papers... (i'll tell you how much i get when i recycle them...
rearranged my stuff properly and also cleaned my closet... (closet!!! never thought I will ever clean that thing up but I did anyway... hehe)
> everything else - mopped the floor (sis asked me to do it, so that's not willingly...)
throw away the deep frying oil that has been there since forever...
fold the clothes...
(what?! fold the clothes? ain't that sis' job? well, I figured since her friend is coming over tonight, i'll fold the clothes... Tomorrow I'll have exam the whole day and she will be out for choir camp... Jer to fold the clothes??? yea! when my dog can fly and spit fire... and on Friday, we're going out early to Selayang for my extra bio class that I was invited to... hehe and Okasan and Otosan will be back Friday afternoon... so yea, I had to fold the clothes... long description... can anyone understand what I wrote???)
and Jer??? don't say a word...
he's 90% of the time sitting there playing game and even have the nerves to tell everything will be okay... darn it!!! (read all you want and scold me but that's how I feel Jer)
now I know how mum's feel...
wanting to make others happy but OTHERS aren't helping out...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lauren and Alyssa... UBER CUTENESS LAUREN!!!
this is so UBER CUTE!!!
thanks for the link, kim...
visit their blogs to check out these cute awesome girls..
Alyssa Koh
Little Lauren Koh
here's the video...
*where's kim and christen???*
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tagged by Carissa Morias
3. Why do you like that picture?
two words... sheer poyo-ness... haha...
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
the week before last week i think...
5. The last song you listened to?
I'm listening to music as i'm typing this tag...
last album downloaded was Daniel Powter - Under the Radar
last song downloaded was Mirotic Japanese Version by Tohoshinki/TVXQ/DBSK
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
Taiki Renn Fujiwara... duh!
People to tag:
i'll tag those not tagged by Carissa...
- Alyssa
- Daphne
- Grace Miriam
- Jem Duke
- Christen
8. Who is number one?
Alyssa Koh, daughter of Ps.Koh Chu Soon. An awesome and creative person... (might wanna hire her to be my partner if i'm ever gonna launch a fashion line...hehe)... *never sell yourself short Allie* and also an avid reader of my super boring blog...*hehe thanks for the support*
9. Number 3 is having a relationship with?
last time i checked, she was single...
want her number???
*ask her la... btw bumi's only i think... hehe*
10. Say something about number 5
She's Christen Koh! Super Awesome. The erm... Poyo Koh... hehe... Nice girl who is fun to have around and very friendly as well...
11. How about number 4?
Jem is an awesome me, his best school friends are not of his race i think...
pretty cool dude...
12. Who is number 2?
my sis... the Sze... the ferocious, garang Sze... AHHHHH!!!! HELP!!!! RUN!!! *joking*
There. Done!!
Domo arigatou Gozaimasu for reading and please do do it yea!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Awesome Day
We got our school magazine today...
URESHII!!! (^u^)
Seeing a lot of students reading it along the school corridor and the roads was overwhelming.
Makes me feel so proud of my work...
Many of them did not know that only 2 students are regular and basically did 90% of the magazine work...
Syu and I.
I felt pretty great seeing students reading it, Syu, I'm not so sure cos of some minor problems...
There's one class where the class picture is missing...
Another class picture is in their class space and worse is, it's not misplaced but the other class' pic was printed twice...
And mind you, the class that did not have the picture was FURIOUS...
It was not our fault actually...
We double-checked everything...
It may be the publisher's fault but now it's too late to be blaming anyone already...
We also got our Grad day pics today...
Mine was ok, I guess...
I don't look good as I am, and what makes the picture make me any better...
But it was good...
And we also went out for dinner to celebrate my sis' birthday...
(the girls in y family have a special treatment. we celebrate their birthday all month round)
We went to SAKAE SUSHI!!!
URESHI!! (^u^)
The food was nice...
But the pricing???
Don't ask...
Personally, I think Sushi King will be just as awesome...
Then we went shopping...
Okan (mum) bought me a t-shirt for F.O.S...
It was actually 30 bucks but it's under half price, do its 15.
And Tousan (dad) bought chocolates from Tesco...
Not just any chocolates...
They, mind you, I said THEY
are Kinder Buenno and Toblelerone...
URESHI!!! (^u^)
But then next week is THE DAY!!!
Wish me (luck???)
I'll do my best...
Friday, October 31, 2008
It's Graduation Time!!!
it's graduation....
just like HSM 3...hehe... XD
the school is having a Graduation Day for form 5 students...
it's actually like a mock up cos it's not really REAL...
the principal said she wants us to feel the feeling of graduation...
it's happening this Sunday, so you know why I'm not in church then...
There are 4 types of certificates for this one...
Sijil Tamat Persekolahan, Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Guess which one I'll be getting....
only 4 students are selected for the Gold Certificates and I'm one of them....
the Gold Cert receivers will be wearing robes that are a bit different than the rest...
the usual robe has one stripe and the stripe is in yellow.
while the Gold Cert receivers' robe will have two stripes and different colored stripes (there are blue, maroon, pink, and violet)
This is the robe i'm gonna wear that day...

the stripes are BLUE!!!!
my favorite color...

Computer Malfunctioning...
my computer is giving me problems...
guess I'll have to reinstall it...AGAIN...
but I'll do that after i finish downloading my stuff....
Monday, October 27, 2008
Can I Have This Dance?
one of my favorite song is
Can I have this Dance?
Pretty awesome...
Monday, October 20, 2008
(from Disaster Movie)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Camp Rock Girls reminds me of....
lets evaluate...
Demi Lovato (Mitchie) reminds me of Miley Cyrus

Reason: They are both brunettes... Demi's voice is a little deep, husky and "sexy" like Miley's. And the have the same cute cheeks
For the sake of my friends: DEMI IS WAYYYY HOTTER AND COOLER!!!
Alyson Stoner (Caitlyn) reminds me of.... she doesn't remind me of anyone else... but as pictures go... here is she from the earlier days as Sarah Baker of Cheaper By The Dozen (I knew I've seen her somewhere before)

Meaghan Martin (Tess) reminds me of Krystal Meyers

Reason: Not just the blond hair... There's something with the pout I think...
Anna Maria Perez de Tagie(Ella) reminds me of Janel Parrish

Reason: They look pretty alike, don't you think...The brown hair and Hawaian eyes and tan.
Wonder where you've seen Janel Parrish, Kim? In Heroes Season 2, she played Claire's friend.
Jasmine Richards (Penny) reminds me of Monique Coleman and Raven Symone

Reason: She has a little bit of both looks...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
for the Youth Bible Class on 5th October 2008
Power Point
for those who don't have Scribd account...
here oso got...
FGAKD Youth Bible Class 5th October 2008
the file name is BS which actually stands for Bible STUDY...
not er hem...
i didn't rename it...
there are a few changes...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
New Season, New Secrets, New Stories
they are....
drum rolls please....
(guess you can already know)


Gossip Girls is airing Season 2 and Heroes airing Season 3 in US...
inside look so far...
first I'll talk about the fabulous chick flick that seems sooo awesome even to guys...
season 2 starts off pretty HAWT during the summer heat in the Hamptons and after a few
episodes, the cast is back to school in St. Jude's school for boys and Constance Billard school for girls.
QUEEN Serena is back...
Roller-coaster ride of S and D just BROKE (not down but BROKE entirely)...
Lil' J is getting notorious... skipping school and stuff...
Blair and Chuck both are having a tortured life though they act strong...
the series that have captivated so many in their world of fantasy (hot casts like Hayden Panettiere and Ali Larter helps... yea yea Kim, Milo Ventimiglia too... LOLZ)...
season is going rather ok thus far as i only watched episodes 1 and 2 so far...
SYLAR is back in action...
he got to Claire already... (i kept thinking Blair when I'm writing this... too much GG)
but Claire did not die...
Mohinder took adrenaline from Maya, injected himself and poof...
he gain powers... whats his powers???
Have you watched X-Men? His powers are like Beast...
Super agile, super streangth... but no blue fur... :D
Nikki survived... however, now she is Tracy Strauss and cannot recall anyting about Nikki at all...
even when she looks into a mirror too I guess...
Nathan got religious....
The person wo shot Nathan at the end of Season 2 is Future Peter (woah! didn't see that coming right?)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Bragged Too Much of a Lie
We bragged too much about a lie... (well, most Malaysians that is)
Tourist: What's so special about Malaysia?
Malaysian: Oh. All three major races live in perfect harmony.
You know what I mean...
Its evident all around...
Racial slur...
Racial fights...
Get what I mean???
Sejarah Form 5 said "Malaysia lantang menentang dasar Apartheid di Afrika Selatan (Malaysia opposes strongly of Apartheid in South Africa)"
but look at what' happening...
racial fights all around...
all due to what???
w-t-_(fill in the last letter yourself)!
This year's Merdeka slogan is Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan
but then its this year that there is most problems when it comes to social harmony...
wonder what kejayaan are we getting...
Quote of Mr.S (full name not mentioned to protect the innocent... LOLZ)
"Malaysia pandai menyelesaikan masalah... orang lain..."
I very social harmonious...
don't believe?

Friday, September 12, 2008
that's one of the many words i used frequently this week...
the school's PTA is soooo paranoid...
on Tuesday, the student affairs teacher gave a "speech" if that's what you can call it
that all students found uploading videos containing or with the tag of the school's name will be punished.
good thing i deleted them already...
i was actually blackmailed by the way, on that day...
the guy who's the "star" of my vid was so dang paranoid...
so i tried to delete them after school in the cyber cafe...
tried twice but youtube is having site maintainance, so i couldn't...
dang was i in a panic...
i only got to delete them in my tuition center later in the evening...
why are they sooo paranoid about???
putting the school's name in shame???
if students are posting videos that are erh hem...
i don't mind if they get punished,
but he(student affairs teacher) even warned those who posted school activities and personal class videos...
ugh...(what that about??? (@@)
why so paranoid???
this school is soo paranoid and kampung that these kinds of thing sets things up like this...
and their not even proud of the vids of success of the students that was posted...
I wonder...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
This is Me (another song)
Why did I tried so hard to fit in
Look at what I've become
Time to come out of the shell
And say...
This is me
I am free
To be who I'm meant to be
Take me now
Leave me now
Oh yeah
It's your choice somehow
And I know
They gotta see the real me
This is me
I can't hide
No more
No more masks to hide who I really am
No more things to hinder me to be me
I may not have
Fancy cars,
Fancy money
But I don't care
As long as I stay true to who I am.
repeat chorus
Monday, September 1, 2008
Just an Average Joe
there may be a lot of things that i can do, but there are more that i can't do.
ppl say i'm good in studies, but i don't like to study
ppl say i'm ok in singing, i can't pull some notes
ppl say my art is good, many others are better...
i'm just another average joe that got a little lucky in lfe but i realized that my capabilities has its limits and i'm just an average joe.
-work STILL in progress in my life-
Saturday, August 23, 2008
its a combination of SUCK and BUCKINGHAM PALACE...
its back to school. thats why...
why Sucking-ham Palace???
i hate the place...
school that is, not Buckingham Palace (where in London is it? is it even in London?)
a reject, an outcast, a misfit...
i guess i just don't fit in there...
Kouse once "asked" me...
"You don't fit in right?"
"Yea." I just replied plainly.
"You noticed?" I asked back.
"Yea." she answered.
this shows how obvious it is...
Farah gave me a smack-on-the-face news that i know but never expect someone to realize.
"Ramai orang tak suka kamu." she said.
"Saya tau. Buat-buat tak tau jer." I replied.
"Diorang kata ko sombong." she contiunued.
"Saya sombong ke?' I asked her.
"Tak." she answered.
the truth hit me the whole day that someone actually realize that people there HATE me.
what did i do to them???
I chatted with D and A about it.
"Diorang yang kata kau sombong tu bodoh." said A.
but then, my motto for this year is
"I will never conform to be who you want me to be just to fit in."
(cont.) God made me this way, and I don't find any problem nor problems with my attitude to society.