Jeremy has been complaining that I didn't update my blog...hehe
so, what have I been up to lately...
last week, I went to Kuantan with my family...
we stayed at this hotel called Swiss Garden Hotel.
It was erm... awesome...
4 outa 5...
thats what I felt but dad felt its less than that...
oh well, everyone has their opinions.
in Kuantan, I bought a new Nike shoe...
Nike The Overplay

met the Tay's there also...
Auntie Irene, Uncle Peng Lum, Auntie Li Ying, Amanda, Aaron, and Amelia...
Adeline can't make it due to work (i think)...
oh yeah...
I got to ride on the All Terrain Vehicle, SUPER AWESOME experience...
kinda felt like Dax Lo (Blue Operation Overdrive Ranger), cos his civilian transport is the ATV... hehe... :D
the "Megamall" there is pretty small...
to compare it to a mall, it'll be... erm...
like Selayang Capitol...LOLZ
oh, we ate awesome stuff too in restaurants...
the best ones...
pure awesomeness...
this week,
we went to Penang...
its was also 4 outa 5 for me...
the hotel we stayed in was Bayview Beach Resort...
compared to the complimentaries in Swiss Garden, Bayview lost...
they gave very little stuff...
in Penang, I visited my relatives on my mum's side.
we had dinner together in (what mall is it again?)
there, I also bought another Nike shoe,
The Overplay, due to its actual nature of being an old stock, got spoiled...
so, my new shoe is
Nike Air Team T.R.U.S.T XDR

i also got to visit the Toy Museum...
it was written the largest toy museum in (erm... where already? World or just Malaysia?) that they got into the Malaysia's Book Of Records...
it was erm... ok...
kinda cool looking at old toys that you can never get to see in shelves of Toys R Us again...
but sad to say, they only have 1 life size of a Power Ranger...
that also, a red ranger, a red Lost Galaxy Ranger...
but thay have two boxes of PR toys...
and erm...
i kinda got water into my right ear while swimming...
when i tried to clean it, it got worse i think and my inner ear as mum said, is swollen or something...
so i can't really hear you with my right ear...
so if I pull a Matt Parkman on you, I'm not reading your mind... just can't really hear you...
guess that's most of it...
yesterday, I went to PC Fair in KLCC...
(sorry to "ditch" you guys... GOMENAI!!! and erm... Happy Birthday Jinyin)
it was crowded...
what my dad and I bought were...
a Samsung Monitor for the office.
a Pioneer DVD player for the office so that a DVD player from the office can be taken home to replace the old damaged one.
and erm... something for me...
a Laptop... hehe...
an Acer Aspire...
but it can't work yet... (stupid Harddrive)
so dad have to send it to Low Yat today...
if things turned out well, this will be my last post from my current desktop...
and the comp will go to Jeremy's room...
(bye bye old friend)
guess that's it...
later, there's a special Youth Meeting in FGA KD...
i'm erm... worship leading...
(God Help me)
and my right ear still can't hear well...
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