Friday, November 26, 2010

Girls are like chocolates...

adding on to KevJumba, i think girls are like chocolates...
they make you feel good but dont warn you of the negative effects till its too late and the cure takes time...
like how chocolate dont warn you till you finally realize you're fat and have pimples all over, girls dont warn you when they'll blow up..
they also dont warn you but you'll have less money in your pocket and soon, you cant spend on yourself anymore...
girls also can cause you to always think about them and you'll finally neglect yourself...
its weird...
but we guys still do it...

i guess talking about girls make me a straight guy...
thats random...

video by Kevjumba...
copyright infringementation unintended...
(but look on the bright side, i'm promoting the video)

ok, i'm getting pretty weird now (probably due to the lack of sleep)
so, i'm gonna sign off...

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