Thursday, March 21, 2013

Press 'escape'

we all want it...
we all do it...

in a way, i guess most if not all of us would like to escape reality...
the rich wants to know how it's like to suffer (kinda)
and the poor wants to know how it feels like to be rich...

in a way, all of us would want to be someone different...
in a way, all of us want to escape...

for me, sometimes, i take an escape literally...
and since i have a car, that is my way of escaping...
i would drive somewhere alone...
talking to myself,
talking to God...
this is my form of escape...

for some of us, escape only comes in our heads...
that is why we fantasize about things...
about how life could be...

for others, we would like to escape our past...
sometimes, even the tiny mistakes...
we just wished we could have done it differently...
but the regret never seem to leave...

it's in all of us...

but the thing is,
as much as we want to escape,
reality strikes and all we could do is SURRENDER...

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