Thursday, January 13, 2011


hey guys...
it's been so long since i blogged...
i've been busy...
too many changes going on in my life (kinda)
i'm now a working person...
(whew, at least now i have my parents off my back on finding a job)
and i'm also living by myself in my old place...
things are busy...
but when i finish work, i get lonely when i get back to the house
cant call it a home cos my family is not there...
but, guess who accompanied me yesterday....
i was accompanied by Leonardo diCaprio and Tom Hanks...
i watched "Catch me if you can" on tv last night when i got back from work...
TV? really?
yea, i'm that lame...
oh, i haven't told you guys why tv...
its cos i dont have internet there...
i'm currently in my "office" waiting for other colleagues and students to start class...
that will be in like about an hour's time...
and i'm too lazy to go downstairs to eat while i wait... sigh...
i'm really lame...

i bet there has been a lot of changes for my parent too...
none of us 3 are at home during the day and Jeremy has now gone to the US (lucky person)...

i'm hungry...

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