lotsa stuff had been happening lately...
the fact that i got to know i'm actually pretty dumb got me bummed...
i need to find stuff that i'm good at... something i feel special when i'm doing it...
and i guess maths and chemistry are not...
that day, i really felt like screaming my heart out and cry in school when i really forgot how to answer simple maths questions that i could do in the past...
and i still feel the sting till today...
gosh.... i'm sooooo stupid...
i've realised that the answer to my questions these times were all "I dont know".
they are the answers to what i want to do, what i'm good at, what should i do so on and so forth...
so, i need a new talent...
one that i can do awesomely but i guess power point is not it too....
its not something special...
all these times, i've been a jack of all trades but master of none...
what to do....
now, on the the brighter side...
Power Rangers will continue next year...
with the adaptation of one of the most awesome Sentai series that i've watched Samurai Sentai Shinkenger...
wonder how Saban would pull this one this time...
and as i was reading through the blogs, i've found out that they've confirmed the cast for the rangers... all six of them...

a good looking set of cast indeed for next year...
my first opinions of the cast based on their looks, cross-referencing with their Shinken counterpart.
Alex Heartman/Reese doesnt look very much like a lord as Tori was. He looks more like a rebel kinda person. But who knows, maybe Saban would pull some strings and deliver him well... He would look nice if he have some sort of friendly rivalry with Dillon (as they both have that brooding bad boy look ) if they will have a teamup with RPM which imo is highly unlikely.
Najee vs Aiba...... theres nothing much too say... I cant see Najee/Baron pulling a Ryunosuke. He doesnt look very versatile to do the over emotional part. His face just wont do it.
Hector vs Shogo... I think he's look can pull of as being a bit like Chiaki. He has the kinda look that suits the young rebel, i'm-so-different- than-everyone-else look. so, i can picture him doing a Chiaki.
Brittany vs Suzuka-chan... hmmm.... she cannot pull the innocent look but the country girl look, i think she can look the part and i think that her wardrobe will play a very big role in making her look a bit country.
Erika vs Rin... very different looks. Erika is more of the cute look but Rin has the more mature look. I can see Erika being a bit of a valley girl, ala Brenda Song/Wendy Wu kinda look but not too much... but that doesnt really suit the suited fight scenes as Mako's moves are a bit more graceful yet powerful. we'll see...
Last but not least, Steven vs Keisuke. definitely cant see any sign of Genta-ness in him... definitely cant be a sushi chef and dont see any humorous look out of Steven.
so, all i can say is, we'll just have to wait and see how things go with the new season of Power Rangers.
(disclaimer: i do not own the picture. it was taken from all over the internet... but i did the editing, so do credit if taken
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