Sunday, July 20, 2008

Brain Fried

System Malfunction...
Yesterday evening was sooo weird....
its like my brained is fried...
not goreng but the type of fried that applied to machines...
guess its due to Late to Bed, Too Early to Rise...

when we we wanna go back from church after worship seminar,
Auntie Jessie said "See ya" to (dunno me or mum, I'm not sure...)
All of a sudden, I was thinking in Japanese "Dewa Mata" which meant see you...
then, when i thought in English, i dunno whether to say bye, see you or see ya...
i just smiled...
felt sooo bad n rude...

then, on the way back, my sis n bro we're singing songs....
i tried to join in but my words were scrambled...
i can't seem to think straight...

sooo weird...
1st real experience where too much things were messed up in my little brain....
so weired...
felt like such a screwup....

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