Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Wishlist...

i know Christmas is a time of giving...
so, why dont you give these to me.....
just kidding....
~cue in awkward silence, sounds of wind and crows~
i'm sorry...
now, really...
the below is actually my wishlist...
which i will probably end up buying myself anyways...

1. Plaid Shirt (blue or white/black, long sleeves)

2. Speakers (not just any speakers, Panda speakers, either blue or black)

3. a new bag (my white bag has a broken zipper)

4. Mix-Style headphones (though the real ones would be awesome, but imitation ones are okay...oh, and the color matters... i want either the blue, white or black headphones)

5. Wallet (white color would be great)

thats all....for now...
but if you're really nice, maybe you can get me a NiceGuy t-shirt...

i see a lot of white here....
maybe white would be my color next year...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Exam Rating for Asians - How it is and how its supposed to be.

for Asians, we or rather our parents have a different rating system for our exams than the rest of the world...

this is how it is for Asian parents...

A= Average
B= Below Average
C= Crappy
D= Death (partially from parents)
F= F*cked (partially from parents)

But i think this is how its supposed to be

A = Awesome
B = Beyond Awesome
C = Cause you're Awesome
D = Deadly Awesome
F = Freaking Awesome

Youtube Amazing Race?

a number of famous youtubers that i follow on twitter were "discussing" on a Youtube Amazing Race...
if that ever happens, what will the 11 teams of 2 will be?
lets see my list.
(this is purely made up, which will probably never happen, but oh well)

01. Team HappyJumba - Kevin Wu and Christine Gambito
02. Team WangFu - Philip Wang and Ted Fu
03. Team Stalk Fest - Wesley Chan and Cathy Nguyen
04. Team A.S.S - Ryan Higa and Arden Cho
05. Team Aussies - Natalie Tran and Mitch
06. Team MTWY - David Choi and Kina Grannis
07. Team Vic-Trix - Dominic Sandoval and Victor Kim
08. Team Smosh - Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla
09. Team Beauty Gurus - Lindy Tsang and Michelle Phan
10. Team Yale - Kurt Schneider and Sam Tsui
11. Team La-Ter - Chester See and Lana McKissack

UPDATE! (07/12/10)
i finally finished the video...
made some changes to the teams

random rambles

dont read this...
i'm writing this for the fun of expression...
its pretty much nonsense...

you have been warned...
but since you still wanna read this, be my guest...
i'm beginning to think that maybe, just maybe
God made me unable to study or kinda easily distracted especially from studying cos maybe, just maybe... this will lead me to somewhere and public university might not be that place...
ok, enough of my weird ramblings...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

here's what i've been up to today...

so, this is what i did almost the whole day today...
i made a fan-made opening for Power Rangers Samurai that will be airing next year...
take a look and tell me what you think...
even of you're not a ranger fan, check it out too and tell me how you think i could further improve my editing skills...

Get to know Jared 101 - Famous Lines

Step one the get to know me...
know my lines...
so, to help you, i'm gonna let you in on a few lines that i always use...

1. ewww....
2. i'm confused...
3. sheer awesomeness
4. really?
5. errrrr.....
6. i guess.....
7. true true...
8. oh
9. not really...
10. kinda....maybe....

now there people, you have now learned a few of my famous last words...
or is it lines....
i'm confused...

so, now you know me a little bit better...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Girls are like chocolates...

adding on to KevJumba, i think girls are like chocolates...
they make you feel good but dont warn you of the negative effects till its too late and the cure takes time...
like how chocolate dont warn you till you finally realize you're fat and have pimples all over, girls dont warn you when they'll blow up..
they also dont warn you but you'll have less money in your pocket and soon, you cant spend on yourself anymore...
girls also can cause you to always think about them and you'll finally neglect yourself...
its weird...
but we guys still do it...

i guess talking about girls make me a straight guy...
thats random...

video by Kevjumba...
copyright infringementation unintended...
(but look on the bright side, i'm promoting the video)

ok, i'm getting pretty weird now (probably due to the lack of sleep)
so, i'm gonna sign off...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pet Peeve(s) - I now have one

i used to think that i dont really have a pt peeve, but now, i realize, like every average human being, i do have one...
and my pet peeve is ....drum roll.....

inconsiderate people....
i find inconsiderate people very annoying...
they're worse than selfish people in a way where they try to secure themselves or benifit themselves AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS...
they make people wait for a long time in a queue just so that they can count their change, they make the people that they carpool with wait just so they could talk to their other friends, they park their cars in an odd position so that no one could block them but they do not care if they are making it hard for others to park their cars and soooo many more....
its really annoying...

today was the first day of my major exam...
when the time is up, this one guy was checking everything again SLOWLY, making sure his stuff are complete...
one of the invigilators had already picked up all the other papers, only his left...
and he made us wait for like 10-15 minutes for him to check his papers...
come on! others had the same amount of time yet we finished our work already...
you're holding people up...
and when we "teased" him on making people wait, not even a word of sorry but just justifying that he did that for safety...
yea, like others dont need safety...
we do, we just dont do it at the expense of others...
its like when you are in a burning building, you use another person to shield you all the way, not caring if that person will survive or not...

and when we are to go back already, the very same person made us wait for like 20 minutes or so just so he could discuss on the exam...
the exam is already over...
no point discussing...
how if i had an emergency all of a sudden but cant find him and just left...
i wonder will i get some scolding...
and he always "apologize" but this is not the first time, nor the second...
he did it so many times i lost count...
and this time, not even a word of sorry....
and i guess he isn't sensitive enough to feel that i was annoyed...

but i really thank God for another friend of mine who let me vent out just now...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Movies that i want to watch

1. Despicable Me

2. Megamind

3. Life As We Know It

4. Chronicles of Narnia: Vovage of the Dawn Treader

5. Sammy's Adventures: The Secret Passage

hmmm... what else?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

random yet common scenario

White: Hey, are you Jackie Chan?
Asian: Erm, no. What makes you think I am?
White: gosh! You Asians all look alike.
Asian: No we dont.
White: Yes you do.
Asian: You white people just cant see right...

if anyone who have small eyes and round nose is Jackie Chan, then yea, I'm Jackie Chan y'all...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

fitting in is just not my thang nemore...

i always felt that i don't fit in...
today, i know i don't...
i guess its better that way...
makes "saying" goodbye a whole lot easier...
i'll just finish up STPM and go...
wont look back...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

to be honest...(read with caution)

i've been thinking...
maybe this period of time, this very dulling depressing time
where it seems like people are letting me down, where i do a lot of stuff to try and make others happy but ended up hurt by the reluctance of some party to help or the back talking that i'm trying to get into the good books and the unappreciative behavior of others,
is actually a time where God is letting me feel what some others are feeling...
instances that broke my heart just thinking about it...
instances that i just felt like there's really no other redeeming quality left...
instances where i just HATE myself for doing things that others just dont understand...
they really get to me like a thorn in my skin...
and they left me wounded for days resulting to a quieter than usual self of mine...

such instances if i must share would be...
when it come to the so-called CF that we tried to make
we had our first meeting...
everyone was like "it was awesome", "maybe we should do more", "we should have started earlier"
but then, we never had another meeting since then...
this was due to absents and disapproval of parents to stay back...
i was to be honest, saddened by this...
if your parents dont approve, its fine...
but if you're absent, COME ON!
do you know how tired and lazy i was but i still lift my butt and come to school just so that we could meet, to actually pray for this dying land and here we are, some just too lazy to come...
is sleeping more important than the fact that the end times is near, that people are actually dying without Christ?
*ok calm down...
i think God is actually trying to show me what broke His heart...
that His people would rather be complacent, be happy in their own comfort than to actually start going on their knees, CRYING for the land....
and I think He did accomplish His goal, to break my heart for what broke His...
cos it broke my heart to see the CF gone just like that, just after one meeting...

and the other was (if you read my tweet) the feeling of being unappreciated...
i know that in whatever we do, we should not take the glory to ourselves...
i'm not trying to take the glory and the name, i just want people to at least appreciate me more...
i've been feeling unappreciated lately...
be it friends in school or family members (though i can sometimes feel appreciated)
my friends kinda treat me like their driver already...
going here, going there...
and when they talk about going for trips that they dont need transport, they actually talked beside me where i could hear them but they never asked for me to join them....
yea yea... i'm supposed to make the move to join them but knowing me, i dont like to jump into the wagon uninvited...
and sometimes at home, i try to go out of my way to try and make my parents happy....
but then, when i try to ask for help, i was faced with reluctance and sour faces...
and though i should not be too sensitive, it gets on my nerves...
here i am, trying to maintain the peace at home...
and maybe, just maybe, bring some happy times...
but was face with this type of nonsense instead....
yayaya... i'm the witch, nagging to get things done, but for who? for WHO i just wanna ask...
you think i enjoy doing house chores?
no, I dont... but i would do it to make at least Mum happy...
so, why is it that you cant help me out...
when mum is happy, everyone gets happy, but when things are not done, why is it that i have to listen to all the complaints?
do you know, i have to listen to all the complaints the most...
my parents complain and nag when the other 2 arent around...
and i have to listen to all that...
and i'm affected by it...
i get hurt... yet no one knows...
everyone blames me for being a bottle but the truth is, i was forced to be this way due to circumstances...
i'm thinking that God is showing me the feelings of a mother...
work the whole day or quit a high paying job just for the family only to be faced with a load of nonsense and being unappreciated...
Mum, i'm trying my best to appreciate you more...
cos now i know how you felt...

sorry to pour it all out...
but no one reads my dying blog anyways, so, whatever...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

stuff i so wanna get...

next year, when i get a job, and then my pay, i really want to get these...

i like the back of it too...
it said "shoulders to lean on" at the top...

and this too...

and/or an Awkward Turtle

unless if someone want to get them for me.... hehehe...

A "short" love story

this is a whole different story than the one i did before and will do after this...

Friends around Sky are slowing getting into a relationship one by one.
Naturally, Sky got a little jealous.
What is he lacking that he cant seem to get the girls.

Then, in his class, he saw Molly.
She was smart, polite and overall nice.
She's just average in the looks department but that doesn't matter.
Sky is a bit desperate, not wanting to lose out.
He tried to drop subtle hints to Molly.
He walks her to to the bus stop after classes, greets her every morning and even got her gifts for her birthday.
He was rather unsure if she even got the message.
Little did he realize, Sky slowly fell for Molly.
His "challenge" turned into genuine affection.

Soon enough, Sky's friends got the idea and encouraged him.
They knew Molly longer than Sky and they know that Molly is not an easy target.
They tried to help but it was not working.

Soon after, the school organized a trip.
Sky went but Molly cant.
During the trip, a girl, Emily took in a liking towards Sky.
Emily said that she would like to have a shot at being with Sky.
Now, Emily is pretty, tall, funny and optimistic.
She' smart too but not as smart as Molly.

Sky was taken aback by the remark.
Honestly, he was not sure.
He just laughed it off, treating it as a mere joke.
He thinks it is not fair for Molly.
How if Molly got the message but pretended not to know.
How of Molly might like him too but is too shy to tell.

Sky doesn't want to lose his friendship but he doesn't want to miss this chance either.
Sky is confused.
He didn't know what to do.
If he goes out with Emily, it might be unfair for Molly.
But if he continues to pursue Molly, he might lose his friendship with Molly and it would also be unfair for Emily.